Kit Yasuni SL

November 2008

“Kit Yasuni SL is the main national company devoted to great featured exhaust pipes manufacturing for motorcycles and motorcycles, as set forth with its attendance to Motorcycle World Championship. Kubik Capital was leading the research of an expansion capital to cover the financial needs arising from the Company business plan, whose main goal was the development at international level of the company.


November 2008

Kubik Capital advised Minube Viajes in order to be granted financing from a participative loan which was finally granted by Caja de Ahorros de Navarra (CAN, Navarra Savings Bank).
This was mandatory in order to develop its business plan. Minube is an Internet portal using 2.0 technology where users can retain travel services while they can share their experience with the rest of the social network users. Additionally, they can get recommendations from other users to improve their travel expectations.”

Quasar Elite Spain SL

April 2008

A capital expansion operation. Our mission was to find financing partners and the banking and financial resources necessary for the realisation of the business plan. The financial partners buying equity in the Company were Ingenia Capital (Venture capital fund managed by Alta Partners), Ewcon Capital Inversió (Investment Company managed by Roca Junyent Family Office) and CCAN 2005 Inversiones Financieras (VCC within the Caja de Ahorros de Navarra group).

Botigues Armengol SL

April 2008

We provided advice on the sale of three selective perfume shops belonging to Botigues Armengol, S.L. to GOTTA perfume shops chain within the Comercial Caus, S.A. group.

Aninoto SL

April 2008

A textile company working for the women fashion market. We valued the company as requested by the partners who bought the 100% of the company.

Baldomero Ventura SL

February 2008

A company manufacturing spare parts for automobile systems. We took part in the drawing up of the business plan to expand to the United States and to open a factory in Houston in September 2008. .